

We believe in giving you the highest quality of care in our community.  Our goal is not just to remove your pain, but instead, our goal is to find the cause of your problem and then create a plan of care to allow you to live your best life possible.

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Chiropractic Adjustments
Functional Medicine
Decompression Therapy
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where does it hurt?

Headaches & Neck Pain

A headache is a very generalized term given to pain that is felt in the head or sometimes the neck. There are many different types of pain associated with headaches ranging from acute localized discomfort to a more generalized ache. Some headaches may appear suddenly and only last for a short period of time while others may build gradually and last for several hours.

where does it hurt?

Food Allergies

Food allergies, affecting millions worldwide, can cause a range of symptoms from mild discomfort to severe reactions. Chiropractic care may help alleviate food allergies by improving nervous system function and reducing immune system stress, potentially decreasing the body's hypersensitive responses to allergens.

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Back Pain & Disc Issues

A herniated disc refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions called discs between the individual bones that stack together to make up your spine. Sometimes called a slipped disc, a herniated disk occurs when some of the softer jelly inside the disc pushes out through a tear in its tougher exterior. Herniated discs can irritate nearby nerves resulting in pain, numbness or weakness.

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Diabetic neuropathies are a family of nerve disorders caused by diabetes. People with diabetes can develop nerve damage in every organ system including the digestive system, urinary tract, sex organs, blood vessels and heart.

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Knee Pain

Knee pain can be caused by injury, mechanical problems, certain types of arthritis and other problems. Some knee injuries and medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis, can lead to increasing pain, joint damage and disability if left untreated.

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury caused by repetitive over-stretching of the plantar fascia which is is thick band of tendon that runs under the foot. Through overuse, the fascia can become inflamed and painful where it attaches to the heel bone.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Clint Brauchla and Dr. Kelly Brauchla have over 40 combined years as chiropractors.  They have continued their focus in Neuropathy and Functional Medicine.

Dr. Clint Brauchla, D.C.
Dr. Kelly Brauchla, D.C.

New Patient Specials

New patients can recieve discounts by downloading the service below to present at your first visit.

Chiropractic Evaluation



X-Rays (if needed)

Inflammation Test

Vitamin D Testing


Valued at $537

Neuropathy Evaluation


24-Point Nerve Exam

Thermal Imaging

X-Rays (if needed)

Report of Findings


Valued at $448

Patient Testimonials

Over 300 5-Star Reviews